
Merry Belated Christmas

You can thank the Commish for this post tonight. Well, really the thanks go to my lil brother and his family. Okay, no really, the thanks go to some magic-working seamstresses in South Korea.

Earlier this evening I found myself trapped doing work. However, it was my own doing. My procrastination skills at their finest, again. Only it's not fine and I don't like it. But that's the content of another post. So, there I was doing work (and also thinking that I need to blog tonight, but what if I didn't, what if I just walked away from the nablopomo challenge? But I didn't. I'm here now with a legitimate post), and the Commish texts me to let me know that a retrospective of the 1997 Denver Broncos is on the NFL Network. Work stops immediately and I run to the TV room and become completely engrossed. GO BRONCOS!

Following the '97 retrospective is the '98 retrospective (which I've seen before and am presently recording it on my DVR so I can continue to see it again and again and again, especially if there is no football next year). Thoughts of me blogging start to creep back into my head and I come back to the computer with a topic in mind. Thanks, Commish.

And now on to thanking lil brother. Really, when I tell you what I'm about to tell you , you are likely to exclaim, HOW COULD YOU WAIT OVER THREE MONTHS TO TELL US THIS?! Well, I don't know, but I did (although, I think every one of my half-dozen readers already knows about this so it's not really news, but I'm putting it down here for posterity's sake--my imaginary kids need to know about this! And also, I think it important that anybody scanning the Internets looking for information on "biting your taste buds off" should know of this amazing wonder).

Internets, guess what exists? Wait, no. Guess what exists and I possess? Wait, no. Guess what exists and I possess because my lil brother and his wifey and P Denny harnessed the magic of Korea's knock-off textile manufacturing industry? Yes. Yes! YES! A vintage Karl Mecklenburg jersey (which I also talk about here, here, and here--and in all honesty, I can't believe I didn't talk about it here). Holy mother of all Christmas gifts. When I opened the present--completely not expecting the jersey that up until that instant only existed in my head--I half-screamed half-squealed, ran around my parents' basement, ran upstairs, breathlessly told my mom what I had just opened, headed for the computer to write a blog post about it (seriously, I did. It's in my drafts folder with the title "Yes, Virginia, it really DOES exist," and nothing else), lost my steam, and then went back downstairs and had a Bloody Mary.

But the key to the story is, lil brother got me the BEST. PRESENT. EVER. And remember how I'm competitive and I like to think that my ability to outdo your gift list is way better than your ability to outdo my list? And I thought that giving him an Xbox Kinect was totally the cat's pyjamas? Yeah. He wins.

Oh, and this. Note to self: Mecklenberg is spelled Mecklenburg.


pit girl said...

You did?! You do?! Wow.
How I not know? Haiku club!
Photo.... Happiness.

p.s. I too love Korea's textile manufacturing industry and I'm not just saying that.

Anonymous said...

you're just posting this now????