
If you're a blogger, you totally know what I'm talking about

Commish: I wrote this really long and funny e-mail today to a group of people, and I understand that people might be busy, but I only got back two responses and they basically said, "Good to hear from you."

LMNT: And now you know what it feels like to blog.

Commish: I do?

LMNT: Yes. I mean not getting any response to your writing--

Commish: I comment on your blog.

LMNT: Yes, sometimes. But sometimes I write and write and write. And I think, "DAMN! That's good. In fact, that's the best thing I've ever written in my life and I go back to my blog and there are zero comments. ZERO! And then I look at the counter and I see only two people have even read the post. TWO PEOPLE! The funniest thing I've ever written IN MY LIFE! And Oh. My. Gosh. One of those people only freaking visited my blog because they did a search on "biting taste buds," so they didn't even read anything!

Commish: (doubled over in laughter, face in cushion) I just peed a little.

LMNT: See?! Thank you.

Commish: Yes. We're all just looking for a little validation.


Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...


Always reading, always laughing. Seriously. I'll be better at commenting.

To tell you the truth, sometimes I reread some of your posts just to laugh.

Your biggest fan.

Anonymous said...

That story is funny! You're a good person ;-)

little ms. notetaker said...

@Angie: You are fabulous at commenting (and I do the same to your posts, as well).

@Anonymous: Thank you. You're a good person, too. ;)

And just a note that this isn't a thinly veiled attempt at getting people to give me love (although I'll take it), it was mostly becuase the Commish and I laughed so hard about it... and he peed a little.

iron said...
