
In honor of Den Pants

Although we surprised my dad for his 60th birthday last weekend, today was his big day. The initial plans for last week's event was just a small gathering, but when we added up all the family and friends that have been a part of his life, the invite list continued to grow.

All told, we had over 50 people there to celebrate. Most of the people I've known if not my whole life, at least a good two-thirds of it. And throughout the night I caught up with everyone telling them what I'm doing, hearing them say they can't believe how fast time has flown, or that they still remember as the little red-headed girl running around in diapers. It was great reminiscing and reconnecting.

But the best conversation I had was with a person from my dad's office that I was meeting for the first time. As we were getting acquainted, he said that he already felt like he knew me and my brother because of how much he hears about us from our dad. He continued to say that it's obvious that dad is very proud of his kids.

I've never really stopped to think about that, but later in the evening, I was talking with another couple when my dad came up and started rattling off all of the things I'm doing (work, the kitchen, Improv, the musical, even my blog--which up to that point I had no idea he really knew about), and he was genuinely beaming as he talked about it all.

So dad, in the event you have gotten around to reading this (or if at this point mom has said you need to read this and dragged you over to her computer), thanks for everything. Every day I count my blessings and I know that I wouldn't be doing any of the things I have done, am doing, and are yet to do without your love and support. And even though I don't say that a lot, it's one of my life's truths. I love you and happy birthday.

I promise to keep making you proud.


pit girl said...

you are making ME teary.

Anonymous said...

Den Pants is the bomb...and so is Chrissy and so is Nicholas...and of course, so is Lil Ms. Notetaker herself!!!!! cheers!