
Enter stage right

Note to self: The next time you try out for a play, if there is a next time, know that your life becomes one giant rehearsal.

Posting is thin. In fact everything in my life that does not revolve around some warped version of a classic fairy tale, is thin. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving being in Into the Woods, but holy geez, it owns me! It takes me in its giant mouth chews one or two bites, swallows me mostly whole, spits me out, and then does the same thing right over again the next night.

For the next five weeks, I have four hour rehearsals Monday through Thursday. Leaving me the weekends to do any life maintenance like going to the store, cleaning, trying not to fall off the face of the earth. I completely feel like I am in high school. Only I have more money. And boobs.

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