
Look, ma! No hands!

I may not be talking to many of you as often. Not because we are in a fight, and not because I'm taking on a new house project that will completely consume my life, but because this week Washington state started enforcing hand cell phone usage whilst driving.


I understand the reasoning behind the law, but I still find this very unfortunate. Before I got a cell phone (and I held out for quite some time), I always looked at those drivers yapping away with disdain. And then, I became one. It's not a habit of which I'm proud, but being stuck in traffic--some days for 30-40 minutes--provides the perfect opportunity to catch up with friends and family across the country. It makes me feel productive and I like that.

Note to self: Check into other driving laws to see if "cheque writing and driving" is also against the law.

Now, I could keep talking if I had a hands-free headset. But I don't have one, yet. And it will probably be a few weeks before I get one. But maybe I won't, maybe I can fight the urge to pick up the phone and call someone during the dead-air drive. It's been really tough the past couple of days. I've thought, "Hmmm, who haven't I talked to in a while?" Pick up the phone, remember the law, freak out, and throw the phone across the car--it wasn't in my hand, I swear, officer. Maybe it's like caffeine or another drug, it's an addiction I have to kick and the first 28 days are the most painful, but then life resumes itself and is even more peaceful and fulfilling than ever before.

Yeah, or maybe I just need to go pick up a headset.


Yours Truly, Johnny Blogger said...

I am doing my best to comply with the new law. My fancy car has a built in bluetooth system, which invariably leads to people saying "I can't hear you."

So, I started using the headset that my wife discarded without using, and charged it up. It worked for one conversation, but when I turned it on to use it today, the battery died just after I said Hello.

I said "you have got to be kidding me" so it went back to the in car Bluetooth... and of course, two minutes into the conversation I heard this...

"Sorry, you must of cut out, I can't hear you"


Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

Yikes! I hope they don't pass that law here. Gary and I will never speak again, as we do most of our talking while he's going to and from various places. More often than not, he'll get home and we've got nothing more to talk about. That's romance for ya.

One Love Photo said...

Oh I hate the new law! I was stuck in brutal traffic last week for 1.5 hours. AHHH-It was so freaking boring. I caved in and had to call someone and tell them about my awful traffic situation. I had to complain to someone. I find myself breaking the law often and then throwing the phone in my lap when I see a cop. And then I have to yell-"Hold on I just saw a cop and I am breaking the law." I am anti-headset so I'm not sure what the future holds for me and my little cell.

Anonymous said...

it's not sexy but i've got an ear piece that actually connects to my cell phone with a cord. I know, it's embarassing, considering where we work. But it's the only headset so far that people can actually hear me.