
Seen on the 8

A couple of evenings ago, on a bus into downtown, I found myself completely transfixed by other people's business. Three other passengers were deep in conversation. I don't know if it was funny, sad, friendly, or heated; but I do know that it was amazingly beautiful.

I was sitting in the back of the bus and couldn't help myself from eavesdropping on what was happening up front. The three of them were all hard of hearing and signing to each other. I've always loved watching sign language; there's something so organic and powerful about articulating with your hands. And as impressive as I found their discussion, two of the three of them had limited sight--they were both speaking and listening with their hands. As one would start to talk the other would gently envelope the others hands to feel the words and phrases.

I can't do it justice, all I can say is that it was so calming and reassuring. It was so personal, so intimate, so connected. And I was so disappointed when they reached their stop and the absence left by their silent conversation was filled with the everyday racket of public transportation.


Jessica said...

This is a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing.

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

(I'm doing some serious catching up... so get ready for a slew of comments. It's like Christmas, yay!)

I actually read this awhile ago and never commented. It made this big pregnant lady all teary. What a beautiful thing to see! (What you saw... not me being teary. Okay, I'm moving on to the next post. I'm retarded.)