
Would not be good at Operator right now

My hands are shaking. Check that, my everything is shaking, especially my intestines. I'm sitting in a cafeteria at work, the site of the callbacks.

I may soil myself. No, I just went to the bathroom and took care of that. I should probably be doing something, like I don't know, scales? Tongue twisters? Probably not blogging.

Oy. Okay I think I'm going to go do something. Maybe pace back and forth. But really I think I should be warming up my vocal chords, maybe, I don't know. Freaking out.

More to come... soon... sometime.

Note to self: Scaring yourself into action, although not good on the digestive track, is good for pushing yourself to grow and accomplish more than you thought you could... right?

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Well, speaking from the point of view of professional musician :), being tied up in knots before taking the stage, while not a pleasant feeling... gosh, I was going to finish that statement with something positive and hopefully helpful, but all I could come up with is "being tied up in knots...sucks." :) I know that at this point, what's done is done, but should you ever need it in the future, standing on stage performing something that you really LOVE is the best feeling in the world. It's like a magical wonderful place where the only thing that exists are those amazing moments right then. It rocks. Just aim for that -- the waiting is always, ALWAYS, the worst part. Just get out there on the stage and rock. I hope you nailed it. :)