
Still scratching my head

A post in two parts, again.

Part I
(Which I had all worked out in my head this morning with the intent to post it tonight after work)

In the event you were wondering about the first grade teacher, well, after a few text message volleys, the ball was left with him to find a time to meet up. One week later, not a word out of him. Because in our last interaction he had mentioned that his schedule was up in the air with the end of school and everything that we should play meeting up by ear, and because I just wanted to know--it's not like I can't take a hint, but for crying out loud, I don't think I should have to, just be up front and honest--I sent the following text:

"Are we still playing it by ear, or is that code for not interested?"

It's been another week of radio silence, so I can only assume that I've cracked his code and that he really isn't interested. I'm just going to have to take that hint and like it. One more time, onward, ladies, onward.

Part II
(Which I promptly started to revise in my head this morning immediately after I thought about how this post would read)

Out of the blue incoming text message.

It reads: "Good morning to you. How about happy hour tonight?"

Are you freaking kidding me? Even after I sent the snatchiest of all text messages? Maybe the snatchiness was lost on him?

Well I said yes. So, tonight, after a few weeks of puzzlement about the entire series of interactions with the first grade teacher, I met up with him for a sunny patio happy hour. It was good. I think. Gosh, I don't know. We had good conversation, I think we were both fun and funny. But yet when we went to leave he was all like, "that was fun. I learned some new stuff."

Um, okay. Learned some new stuff. Yeah, okay.

He's heading to Thailand for a month on Saturday to do some mission work (see, he's not a bad guy), so I definitely won't see him again soon... but maybe never? I said that he had my number and if he wanted to meet up after Thailand and share some of his stories I'd be game.

Frankly, I've put in all the energy I can right now. He'll be gone for awhile and if he comes back and wants to meet up, then it's going to need to be on his energy dime.

So, don't be surprised if you hear about him again in the future--he has a tendency of surfacing just after I give up. In the meanwhile, don't fret. Little Ms. Notetaker is expecting plenty of fun dating stories to recount to the Internet. It's summer, and I'm bored with the kitchen, and may go back to online dating... just because I need more blog material. Funny because it's true.


Jessica said...

Thanks for this post, Kathleen. I learned some stuff and learning makes me happy.

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

This drama boggles my mind...

(And I SO look forward to reading about it!)

Anonymous said...

Well, at lest he is good enough for stories to keep us entertained. Although, I am inserting my own thoughts and maybe some flags of caution, he sounds clueless. Not unlike Denpants. And men think women are hard to figure out!
It makes me tired, I want to take a nap.

Yours Truly, Johnny Blogger said...

Or is he just leaving to do a month long engagement of "One Night in Bangkok?" I hear it makes a hard man humble, somewhere between despair and ecstasy.

Oh 80's references!