
Brid Flu, here!

Okay so not the bird flu, literally, but here, literally.

A sign outside of my building at work today read, “National Pandemic Planning This Way.” I found this fascinatingly funny. And I know there isn’t anything funny about pandemics, but upon first glance, I only saw, “National Pandemic... This Way.” And I couldn’t help but think: Note to self: Don’t go that way!


Yours Truly, Johnny Blogger said...

West Nile ------>
<-------- Mad Cow
Rockin' Pneumonia ------->
<------- Boogie Woogie Flu

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

LOL! So funny! I can picture you laughing out loud to yourself as you pondered the sign.

Reminds me of that blonde joke that my dad loves to tell me about the two blondes who were going to Disneyland and saw a sign that said "Disneyland Left" so they turned around and went home. :)