
You can exhale now

[FYI: This is a post in two parts. Part one I wrote on the plane the other night and part two is from 2 minutes ago, as I was waiting to get online in my Grandparents' house]

Part I

In the event you were holding your breath, you can let it out now. No word from the first grade teacher, and I'm guessing there won't be any.

Onward, ladies. Onward.

Part II

Note to self: Start beefing up your lung capacity, because maybe you need to learn to hold your breath just a little bit longer.

HOLY CRAPOLA! I'm sitting here at my grandparents' house in small town, Wisconsin, when what do I see on my phone? A text message from a somewhat familiar number. Yes, that somewhat familiar number. The text came in last night while I was hanging out with my mom, grandma, aunt and cousin. Here's what it says:

"Thanks for message yes I like the beer idea too next week maybe"

Now, let's analyze this shall we? Overall I'd say he's an efficient man, why use four words when three will do the trick, so long as you throw sentence structure out the window. And while we're at it, forget punctuation that just slows us down right doesnt it I mean who needs punctuation its honestly just a timesuckbutreallyweshouldgetridofspacestooeverythingjustflowsbetterwtihoutspacesandpunctuationdontyouthink

Okay, I'm not going to begrudge him is text messaging grammar. The fact is he responded and responded with a counter offer to meet up for a beer. At this point I still don't know if it was a fake number or if it was an honest mistake. I'm leaning toward fake number followed by an overwhelming sense of guilt (or maybe it's fear, fear of the notetaker) of what he did. Ooh, maybe he's Catholic too. I'm also leaning toward meeting up, one, to find out and two, because I like beer.


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness Vrigina, there is a Santa Claus! We can all still believe in something that is a bit of a fairy tail. I might have to hide in the bar when you meet him for that first beer - just to see the infamous first grade teacher.

Anonymous said...

Man, do I miss you!? This blog is cracking me up...I mean, it really and truly is the highs and lows of life...Keep me posted on 1st grade teacher...OMG...Can I tell you how much I love that you called the radio station!!?!?

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

Your analyzation (oh my gosh - I just got a red line for that word and realized it's ANALYSIS, dummy) of his text cracked me up. You funny girl!

I CANNOT believe he sent you a message. Wow. Guilt, much?