
What I said

STOP! Before you read this post, make sure you read this one, and this one, and then this one. Okay, you may proceed.

Me: So can I ask you a random question?

Him: Sure.

Me: I noticed you walked in with a book and I'm doing a little bit of a social study and am wondering if you came in with the intent to read the book, or did you bring it so that you have something to do sitting here at the bar alone, so that you don't look alone, or desperate, or anything?

Him: (Looks at me quizzically)

Me: See, I came here alone and brought my laptop, because I normally bring something--laptop, book, magazine--to kill the time and so that I look like I'm the single girl who's so self-assured she can come out to eat alone and do her own thing because she's an independent woman, she's got it together, she doesn't need no stinking other person there! So, I'm sitting on my laptop, pontificating about that very point when you walked in the door and saddled up to the bar with a book, and I thought to myself, I should see what happens and should also see if other people think like I do, or if maybe they have pure intentions to read or whatever, which they could do in the quiet comforts of their own home.

Him: (Laughs). You are so right. What did you say your name was?

Yes, friends, that's how the conversation went... in my head.

As I was leaving the pub, I ran to the bathroom and got my courage up to talk to him on the way out. I looked cute, smelled good, and knew what I was going to say. I headed back up to the front, took a deep breath, gave myself one last cheer (You can do this, Little Ms. Notetaker! Make your readers proud), took one step in his direction, course corrected and walked myself right out of there.

I chickened out.

And I already know what most of you are thinking. And don't worry, I've already given myself a talking to. I can't believe I didn't go talk to him, 1.) because I think he actually would have been receptive, and 2.) because I clearly need the practice. But I didn't. I just hopped in my car and came home. And I know why I didn't, but that's a topic that I'm not delving into in this post.

Suffice it to say that I'm feeling a little exposed now. I mean, normally I go through this whole process in my brain. But this time, I put it out there--in pseudo real-time--for all to read about, and now the Internets knows that I'm chicken.

That, in and of itself, may be enough for me to change my typical behavior.


Anonymous said...

I guess u didn't have your mom radar on, cause it would have told you "march your butt right back in there and say something!"
There isn't always a second time, or another time, you know what I mean?

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't beat yourself up too much over this one. walking up to someone out of the blue is no easy task. Hard enough if he was on his own, but he had others with him. that takes serious guts!
the fact that you were even considering it is progress LMNT!

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

LOVED the mini-series.

Did NOT love that you chickened out. You've just got to keep thinking to yourself, "This will make GREAT blog material... or MORE if I'm lucky!" Do it for us, little ms. notetaker!

Bawk, bawk!

Anonymous said...

Ummm.... did you not take improv class? Common FCK - these are the times you've got to buck up, get on that horse and ride! Heck, when you were standing in front of him and felt panic set in you could always say, "mmmm...that smells good." ;-) xoxo

Yours Truly, Johnny Blogger said...

LMNT - I like that BTW. EZier to type.

I have been there... on the other side. I remember back in Miami in the 90's when I was in this dance club. I saw this girl (that's what I called them then) and I could not take my eyes off of her. She was with a friend and no one was approaching her. As the club played the last song, she came over to me and asked me if I wanted to dance. Following the dance, she said how nice it was to have danced with me. Oh well, I was leaving for home the next day, but boy, would it have been cool.

So just remember, we men sometimes feel like we can't approach either... but as you know, I have never been like most men :)

Lenny sounds like a good date though! I need to name mine.