
Welcome to the fam-damily

Not pregnant, in case that is what you were thinking. No, but I would like to announce the arrival of my new friend, Henry the Hernia, not to be confused with Hermie the Hemorr--but that's another story.

Henry is a fun little friend that I bore into this world about a month ago. I was playing in a volleyball tournament and I did something that caused a strain in my abs. I thought maybe I had just pulled a muscle and didn't really think anything else of it. Until the next day, at work, I was talking with a colleague and as I was standing there I felt like something was weird with my belly button. Have you ever realized how much little thought you actually give your bellybutton? I mean unless you are pregnant and you are waiting for it to turn into an outie, you probably don't ever really think about it. Poor neglected belly button. And because I have a relatively close relationship with that colleague, it wasn't at all strange for me to be playing with my belly button in front of her--at least I didn't find it strange.

I started to put two and two together and thought that the volleyball ab strain might be connected to my belly button issue. Well, for someone who's never really thought about her belly button, I've been thinking about mine a lot lately. Especially since Henry has taken up residence there. And especially since I'm playing in a week-long volleyball tournament. For the most part, Henry is a decent tenant, but every so often, he'll act up, or well, out. But I can put him back in his place, almost literally. It's all quite strange, and apparently there is not much you can really do about it.

So, I'm trying to make nice with him, but that's hard to do when my new favorite game is to go up to my teammates, take their finger, put it on my belly button and say, "hey, push on this."


mike helminger said...


Anonymous said...

that is so damn weird

Anonymous said...

Wait, wait, wait... Although your blog is terribly funny, hernias are not good and thankfully medical science CAN do something about them. You could have a sports hernia? Have you seen a doctor, yet? Just sayin'....