
Speaking of 'hood geeks...

This post is brought to you by my brand new phone. That's right, Internets, I caved. This won't be a long post, mainly because I've only typed in two lines and my thumbs are already tired. Also because I have a feeling that the formatting is going to be wonky.

I got the phone to be able to check my schedule without firing up my laptop. Interestingly, the phone connects way faster to the Internets than my laptop. And also, I have yet to [pause, thumb cramp] figure out the calendar function, but blogging? Check.


Anonymous said...

Does this mean I can look forward to more frequent, spontaneous blogs from LMNT? How exciting! Please promise me it is not an iPhone. :) FCA

little ms. notetaker said...

Not an iPhone! I would never stoop. Palm Treo... it's nice!