
Gangster 2.0

The neighborhood in which I live is, what you would say, transitional. It is a far cry from the suburbs of my childhood--far cry. But nonetheless, I love making my little house home, and as several of my friends have noted, when you get inside the house, you don't even realize you're in the 'hood. "Oasis in the Jhetto" (because a soft "j" is much more pleasing), is what I lovingly call her.

Yesterday, I was beautifying the Oasis, working on one of my new little flower beds out front when I had a unique neighborhood experience. I heard some music coming my direction from down the street and looked up to see three people moseying my way. If you grew up in the 80s, you probably would have expected the music was coming from a boom box on one of the person's shoulders, but hello, Internets? It's 2009, get with it. The dude was walking down the street blasting his music from an open laptop. I'm not even kidding.

Ah, technology. Making even the toughest gangster geeky.


pit girl said...

that is hysterical.

was it a mac or a pc? ha

Anonymous said...

i sure didn't see that one coming.