
Three things before I go to bed

1. The Universe is killing me, in the best way possible. After I publicly admitted that I want to move to Ireland, this is the note it had for me:

"If you hold the thought, it begins to form.
If you speak the word, it draws ever near.
And if you walk the talk, Little Ms. Notetaker, heaven help the poor "Jones'," because this is exactly how worlds are born, miracles are performed, and dreams come true. The Universe"

But fret not, I'm not planning on moving anytime soon... just going to keep the dream alive.

2. Last night I started round two of Improv classes. I cannot tell you enough how much I absolutely heart them. In fact I heart them so much, I think I may marry them. Then I can be Little Mrs. Notetaker-Improv. (Also, want to give a little shout out to my Improv friends, March was lonely without you, "what? what?")

3. I've been busy. This is a MUST read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The emotional exercise was absolutely draining but felt rewarding.

During the walking, body-part exercise I felt, very much like the goal, like a copycat.

Three-Sentence scene, for me, felt like bad Improv.

I need to see the Wake. I'm definitely into the comedy and humor aspects of the whole thing - but there is this strange sexiness I feel when I do serious things.

It's a sense of accomplishment done from something that feels meaningful.