

At my place of employment, several executives are inflicted with the most horrendous of plagues. It is a plague of tremendous proportions; one may even go so far as to say it is a SUPER! plague. For whatever reason (maybe they think it casually connects them to the worker bees in the trenches), in very public settings they make everything SUPER! "I'm SUPER! excited..." "we are SUPER! strategic..." you get the picture. SUPER!, right?
This over--and in my mind inappropriate--use of SUPER! drives me nuts. Yet tonight, as I sit transfixed by the results of SUPER! Tuesday, and all the talk of SUPER! delegates I got to thinking about my own SUPER!ness.

SUPER! relieving--I don't have to have finger surgery. The surgeon thinks that it's actually healing okay and that surgery would leave me SUPER! vulnerable to too many complications. So now I have a "pressure splint" to do therapy. And because I'm a SUPER! over-achiever, I've been doing the therapy three times as much as I need to... and now my finger is SUPER! tired.

SUPER! grown-up--Over the past couple of weeks, I refinanced my house. Mortgages are SUPER! confusing, and fortunately my mortgage broker is SUPER! great, and he locked in a SUPER! low rate, making what could be a SUPER! stressful situation, SUPER! easy. But seriously, when did all this growing up happen? It still blows my mind that I signed up for all that responsibility (and I don't even have pets or kids... talk about SUPER! responsibilities!).

SUPER! inspiring--Here at my blog, I'm not going to preach about politics; believe what you want to believe, and support who you want to support. In all honesty, this is the first election where I've actually felt inspired to really get involved and where I really feel like my voice can be heard. Regardless your candidate, I think this little piece is SUPER! moving (and sure, if you happen to be SUPER! enamored with a candidate that begins with O, ends in A, with a BAM between, then maybe you'll SUPER! love it, but if you strip it of any "partisan" connotation and just think about the message of empowerment, I'm willing to bet you get SUPER! goose bumps). Yes, we can.

The NPR correspondents are getting SUPER! slap-happy now--the sign that it's past my bedtime.

Note to self: Stay SUPER!

1 comment:

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

You, my friend, are SUPER! funny.

I'm so glad your finger doesn't need surgery. What a huge relief!