
Six-word Sunday: April 3, 2011

LMNT's back in the saddle, again...

...in so many ways.

Even though some of you might have stopped by the past couple days and didn't see a post (after 32 posts in 31 days, I gave myself a post-free vacation), the month's worth of posts really reminded me how much I love writing--how much I need writing. While I am not going to go so far to promise you a specific number or frequency of posts, I am going to promise you that I will post... more... than I have in the past.

And in other news, I had a date--a first date--a first blind date--today. It has been a long time since I've had one of those. It's kind of like riding a bike, only I've gotten much better at bike riding even in spite of the fact that my bike doesn't have a back tire, but that's another story, for another post. You know, one of those future promised posts.


CrissPiss said...

Can't wait to hear. Mr McFeely?

Anonymous said...

thank you :)