
30 going on 13

In an effort to try and get some sleep tonight (and realizing that every one of my posts is an absolute tome), I'll keep this one brief.

Date number one went well tonight. So much so that there will be a date number two (and there was much rejoicing).

Oh, and we made out, like seventh-graders. But the advanced seventh-graders who know what they are doing, with less slobber and no braces. Ooh, maybe we should watch "High School Musical" for date number two.

Note to self: Just see where it goes, let things happen, and enjoy the moment... and let little junior high you have some fun.


Anonymous said...

Date # 2, Yeay!!! Go seventh grade little miss note taker! After you watch High School Musical are you going to pass him a note with the question "Do you want to make out again?" with little boxes for yes, no, and maybe? Have fun!

little ms. notetaker said...

Ha! Yes! A note that says, "Do you like like me? Or just like me, like friends like me?"