
Fine, I'll be that into me

Note to self: You're worth it.

I had it all planned out. I would leave work at 5:00 (for the first time in a long time), and treat myself to a movie before play rehearsal at 8:00. As of late, I've been working right up to the start of rehearsal and then even through rehearsals, but tonight I wanted to buck that 12+ hour day.

Ever since I was given the Kevin Arnold, I've been itching to see He's Just Not That Into You--it's just too apropos. So I found it playing at a local theater and took myself to it. And when I walked into the lobby, I thought I had accidentally walked into the lobby of the W Hotel--posh furniture, fire places, something wasn't right. In the absence of a plexiglass ticket window, I walked up to a few people standing around computer terminals and blurted out, "One for He's Not That Into Me... er... You." I don't think it was too obvious why I was there, alone, do you?

One of the guys looked at me, punched the order into the computer and said, "Sure. That will be $27."

"What the FU--" I stopped short, because apparently this was a classy theatre.

"We offer more than your average theater. It's an intimate viewing experience, with fewer seats than a crammed theater, options to view [view, not order. Ordering costs more] our food and beverage menus, cushioned chairs that fully recline--"

"No way is that worth it."

"Oh, it's definitely worth it--these are really comfortable seats."

"No, I meant that movie."

I left, and on the way to the parking lot I thought about returning to work instead of keeping this "date" with myself. And as ridiculous as it may sound to spend more money on seeing the movie in the theatre than it will be to own it outright when it reaches DVD, I honored my self date. And I had a good time, I probably won't wait the customary three days to call myself, and best of all, there's absolutely no pressure to put out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me.