
Call and response

Note to self (courtesy of CrissPiss): Sometimes it is just good to write down your feelings and put them out there in the universe.

Ah, love me the CrissPiss. Not only did her comment on my last post bring happy tears to my eyes, but it was spot on. So spot on that it's a little bit spooky.

I've mentioned before that I get daily "Notes from the Universe" delivered to my inbox. More often than not, these notes send a jolt right down to my core and make me look over my shoulder just to check and see who is following me around, because seriously, how do they know that's what I needed to hear at that exact moment? After my oh-my-goodness-I'm-going-to-be-an-old-maid-forever-better-start-investing-in-cats post from yesterday, this was the present the Universe left me in my inbox:

"You can make anything happen, Little Ms. Notetaker."

I love my mom and my Universe, and I can make anything happen.


AP said...

omg i am sooo glad to hear this! you're going to be a Dallas Cowgirl!!!!! :D YESSSS!

CrissPiss said...

Thank you I needed that.