
Bad news, good news, rinse, repeat

The other morning, I walked into my house and was welcomed by a not-s0-very-wonderful smell. As my facebook status noted: "I was greeted by a funny smell. Unfortunately it's not funny ha-ha..." Nope. It was more like funny putrid carcass.

Bad news: I think there is a dead mouse in my house. At least I hope it's a mouse, it could be some other critter. Nutty?

Good news: That morning, I opened up the basement door to go down and get my laundry, and the smell seemed very pungent and concentrated. This is good news because I think that may mean the source is somewhere down there. And not, say, in a wall.

Bad news: I don't like being in my basement.

Good news: I can probably pay someone to go down there and be a hero.

Bad news: One of the two light fixtures down there is broken. Well, it's dangling by a wire. Whoever installed it originally did so very poorly, and it keeps falling out of place. To fix it, I have to shut the main breaker off and jimmy it back into position. Which means I have to do that during daylight, and because it's winter in Seattle and daylight only lasts for what seems like an hour--while I'm at work--the light can't be fixed until the weekend. Meaning no escape from the smell.

Good news: I bought a fantastic candle last weekend, now my house smells exactly like anthropologie. Yay.

Bad news: Now my house smells like anthropologie. The whole house--that is one potent candle. I can smell it a whole floor away. But now I can't smell the rotting corpse smell. And while that is a good thing, I can't tell if I made that smell up in my head, or if I need to be making funeral arrangements, and building up my bubonic immunity.

1 comment:

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

I love being in your head. It's fun.

And it's fun that you posted this at 12:34. Hope your bubonic immunity is well.