
Little voices

Have you ever wondered how an LMNT post comes to be? Well, Internets, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much—hold it! That’s something completely different.

I’m not sure how other bloggers think about their posts, as I’m sure we all employ very different techniques. Some might outline their thoughts, making sure they have a clear introduction with a clear thesis, supporting points, and conclusion. Some probably even proofread and revise what they’ve written. Well, not this blogger. Thesis? Hmmm, rarely. Proofread? Ha! Well, sometimes I do go back and reread what I’ve spewed all over the page, but that’s mostly me validating that I am indeed as hilarious as I thought I was when I wrote those words the first time.

I’m probably not the best person to dole out any sort of advice, but I don't think there's any harm in letting you go into my brain a little bit here, because I think the post development--from thought to publication--is interesting. And by interesting, I mean potentially weird.

I seem to remember a conversation with TIG in high school about how when she was thinking, she would picture the words being typed out in her mind (is that true, or am I making that up?). For me, I actually hear myself saying everything I think, as in I’m completely narrating my own life--every single thought--and when the occasion calls for it (read: particularly dramatic situations) I add a musical soundtrack underneath my narration.

Take right now for instance, as I’m thinking about what I'm typing, I’m reading it out loud in my head. This word, and that one, and yes, even this one. Even the words that I love to say out loud are fun to say in my head. The French ones too. Faire de l’alpinisme. Okay, this is getting to be too much; the echo in here makes my head ache.

So, for me, a post doesn’t start with an outline, but essentially starts with a conversation with myself. If something funny or random happens to me, I immediately talk about it in my head to myself and it becomes the backbone of my post. So all those half-finished posts I have laying around are really just unfinished conversations with myself that are swimming around in my brain. The finished project is really just me coming around after leaving myself hanging for hours, days, or even months.

Is this unique? Maybe everyone talks to themselves incessantly in their head? Do you? Or how about when you read something, do you hear yourself reading it aloud then too? I'm not that weird, or am I? Inquiring minds (and head voices) want to know.


crisspiss said...

You must get that from me! I have conversations all day long. It gets bad when I think I already discussed something with your Dad, and of course I didn't, it was in my head.
But that is ok. some of my best conversations are with myself.

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

You are absolutely correct. As I'm talking, it's like a ticker in my head - you know, like the ones across the bottom of the news screens? It constantly goes from left to right in my brain with all the words I'm saying or typing. I thought that happened to everyone until I was telling someone one day and they about admitted me the loony bin.

But! It's why we're BFFs. Our trains of thought... are so random. Exhibit A: http://flibbertigibberish.blogspot.com/2008/12/just-thinkin.html

And I NEVER edit or reread the posts before they're published. EVER. Who has time for that?