
It will be worth the wait

I over promised a fantastic post yesterday and I'm under-delivering with this one today. You see, the post that's forthcoming--the one that will make you LAUGH UNCONTROLLABLY--is going to take a little more time to get it just right. I'm thinking of you, the reader here. Well, that and I didn't have much time tonight because little ms. notetaker got locked out of her house (cue dramatic music).

Note to self: Invest in a hide-a-key immediately.

If you think that your back door will only partially shut, and won't shut enough to engage the locks, think again. Because it will, but only because the second you stepped outside of your house, barefoot and in the rain, you thought, "wouldn't it really bite if the door closed and I got locked out of my house right now." Click. Yes, yes it would.

And if you think having a key over at your friends' house is good enough, think again. Because maybe, just maybe those friends will BOTH be out of town and the extra key they have for your house is locked in their house and the key you have for their house is locked in your house (and PS, they don't have a hide-a-key that you can access either). Oh, and their dog is inside your house and training her to open the door is not a possibility.

And if you think you can call your building's manager, think again. Because you are your building's manager. High five for home ownership!

And if you think you can call your mom to access the Internet (from Denver) and search for locksmiths (in Seattle), think again. Mom, I love you to pieces, but come on. You can find every single article written on the Green Bay Packers, but you can't find me the number to the locksmith (really, I do love you and the impatience you got from me tonight was me channeling dad--and to clear your web reputation, you did eventually find me that number, and I appreciate that).

And if you think you can call Gabe the locksmith and sound like the devastated and helpless person you are and have him come directly to your house to let you in, then you are right, just be ready to pay.

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